The models of the present study were presented above. However, in the statistical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses of the present study, gender, income, being driver or passenger during the accident, and perceived social support were taken as control variables. Then personality characteristics (extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, negative valence, and neuroticism) were entered into the regression equation followed by event related variables (perceived severity and timing of the event) in the third step. Finally, post trauma variables were entered into the regression equation including coping strategies (problem solving, fatalistic, seeking support, and helplessness), and rumination (intrusive and deliberate) variables.

The hypotheses of the present study will be presented in two groups, namely the hypotheses for PTS and the hypotheses for PTG.

Hypotheses for PTS

Hypothesis 1: After controlling for the effect of gender, income, being driver or passenger during the accident, and perceived social support; personality variables, perceived severity of the accident, coping, and rumination will predict (i.e. explain a significant variance) PTS scores and all of the three domains.

Hypothesis 2: Different factors will predict each of the three domains of PTS.

Hypothesis 3: Coping and rumination will mediate the relationship
between PTS and personality.

Hypotheses for PTG

Hypothesis 4: After controlling for the effect of gender, income, being driver or passenger during the accident, and perceived social support; personality variables, perceived severity of the accident, coping, and rumination will predict (i.e. explain a significant variance) PTG scores and all of the five domains.

Hypothesis 5: Different factors will predict each of the five domains of PTG.

Hypothesis 6: The changes in the positive driver behaviors as a result of the accident, for the drivers’ sample will positively predict PTG and will augment the explained variance of the model.

Hypothesis 7: Coping and rumination will mediate the relationship between PTG and personality

Rate increase taking effect January 2025 for Registered Psychologists.