Event Related Rumination Inventory (ERRI) was developed by Cann, Calhoun, Tedeschi, Triplett, Vishnevsky, and Lindstrom (2011) in order to assess ruminations that were activated during the cognitive processing in the aftermath of trauma. The first 10 items were the items of the intrusive rumination subscale and the next 10 items were part of the deliberate rumination subscale. The participants were asked to rate these subscales separately. All of the 20 items were rated on a 4–point scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 3 (often). Cann et al. (2011) reported high levels of internal consistency levels for intrusive and deliberate rumination, .94 and .88, respectively. Furthermore, in their study, Bosson, Kelley, and Jones (2012) reported Cronbach’s alpha level of .93 for the whole scale.
The Turkish adaptation of the ERRI was conducted by Çalışır, Tüzün, Piri, Cann, Tedeschi, and Calhoun (in progress). The results of the factor analysis showed that in Turkish sample the scale was also represented by two subscales namely, intrusive and deliberate. Their study on reliability and validity of ERRI is continuing. Gül (2014), in her study with a community sample from Izmir, used the ERRI with high internal consistency levels of .93, and .87 for intrusive and deliberate ruminations, respectively.
In the present study, ERRI was used to examine participants’ rumination during the cognitive processing of the accident. The internal reliability of the total scale was very high (α = .95). Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the intrusive and deliberate rumination subscales were .94, and .91, respectively (See Appendix C for the ERRI).
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