In the present study, data were analyzed by the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22 for Mac. Because of the fact that data were collected through Survey Monkey, there were no missing cases. In order to perform the mediation analyses, PROCESS macro for IBM SPSS developed by Hayes (2013) was used.

Prior to the analyses, the data were examined for accuracy of data entry, normality, and the assumptions of multivariate analysis. The multivariate outlier analysis was performed by calculating the Mahalanobis distance. The results of multivariate outlier analysis indicated that there were two multivariate outliers and these were excluded from the data.

Internal reliability analysis of the measurement tools and their subscales was performed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Bivariate correlations and descriptive statistics of all variables of the study were analyzed.

The hierarchical regression analyses using PTS, PTG, and all their subscales as dependent variables, were conducted. Furthermore, with the aim of testing the behavioral change in the aftermath of accident, a regression analysis including the change in driver behavior variable as an independent variable, was also performed with a sample of only drivers.

Additionally, with the aim of examining the nature of the relationship between dependent variables and their predictors, mediation analyses were conducted separately for both PTG and PTS.

Rate increase taking effect January 2025 for Registered Psychologists.